
Besides my own research, I regularly help my advisor (Prof Amit Tandon) by serving as primary mentors for Physics and Mechanical Engineering major undergraduate and graduate students who join our lab at UMass Dartmouth. Following are the list of students:

  1. Debarshi Sarkar (Current PhD Student, Engineering and Applied Sciences): Debarshi is currently working on extending Nick's undergraduate thesis to incorporate observations from multiple OMNI moorings in the Arabian Sea and multiple reanalysis products for his first chapter of PhD. The goal behind this chapter is to report biases in measured and derived air-sea interaction parameters, as to address one likely issue of faulty monsoon forecasting. This work has been presented at Ocean Sciences Meeting 2024 and some other International and local conferences. Sid is serving as a colleague mentor for this work.
  2. Nicholas Monroe (BS, Mechanical Engineering '23): Nick worked on his undergraduate honors thesis in Tandon Lab from June 2022 to May 2023. His thesis focuses on intercomparing parameters of air-sea interaction from reanalysis products to observations from one mooring in the Arabian Sea, with a goal to quantify the biases. Nick has presented this work at many local conferences like UMassD Sigma-Xi Research exhibit, IMS symposium, MassURC etc.
  3. Viktoriya Balabanova (BS, Physics '23): Vicky worked on her undergraduate thesis in Tandon Lab from January-May 2023 as a part of UMassD-WHOI-Blue Economy Internship. Her thesis focused on validating geostrophic balance by comparing the observations from a mooring deployed in North Atlantic to the Satellite altimetry. Vicky has presented this work at many local conferences like MassURC and UMassD Sigma-Xi Research exhibit.
  4. Ersen'S Joseph (BS, Mechanical Engineering '22): Ersen'S worked with us as a part of Undergraduate Research Internship Program, UMassD (from January-December 2021) as well as UMassD-WHOI-Blue Economy Internship (from January-May 2022). His project involved analyzing RAMA mooring data in the Bay of Bengal, developing a numerical particle tracking model and comparing with observed particle motion in open ocean as well as using powerful computation resources to analyze remote sensing datasets in order to uncover the seasonality in the Bay of Bengal. Ersen'S has presented this work at many local conferences like MassURC, IMS symposium, UMassD Sigma-Xi Research exhibit etc. Ersen'S is currently a MS student in Mechanical Engineering with Dr Amit Tandon and Dr Tom Farrar while also working as an Engineer in Upper Ocean Processes lab in WHOI.